Thompson's Station Guidance Services
Thompson’s Station Elementary offers a wide variety of counseling services. From whole class instruction to meeting individual needs, the guidance department provides resources to help each child be and achieve their best.
Thunder Traits
At Thompson’s Station Elementary, we are developing the whole child which includes focusing on teaching and developing strong character traits. We are constantly striving to “be.” There are four areas that each student works to “be” each day. They include:
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Your Best
- Be Nice
PBIS Program
Students receive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports points from faculty and staff when they are displaying the above characteristics and showing excellent Thunder Pride. Students exchange these points in order to purchase items from the Thunder store as well as fun experiences at our quarterly Thunder Bash.
Stop and Think
A Fairview Elementary school counselor is encouraging her students to stop and think, and the district is encouraging others to embrace the concept as well.