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TSES Photo Gallery for the 2023-2024 School Year

There are many exciting events that take place at Thompson Station Elementary. The galleries below capture some of the activities at TSES. A special thanks to the Good New Ambassador for contributing photos. 

Check out photo galleries from previous school years:

Quarter 1 Highlights

two students relaxing on a couch
students in the library
students in the library
student with stuffed animal
students mingling
girl smiling
students working
two students smiling
student with stuffed animal
two students working
students in the classroom
students in the classroom
girl smiling with book
three students smiling

Field Day

girls ready to race
students in white outfits
students running
students in purple outfits
student flexing arm in red outfit
students smiling in purple outfits
two students smiling in orange outfits
boy smiling in orange outfit
student smiling in yellow outfit
student smiling in blue outfit
two students in blue outfits
student being goofy in blue outfit and arm cast
students playing
student in yellow throwing a bean bag
students playing with bean bags
two students playing tag
girl smiling with green bandana in hair
two girls in orange outfits sitting on a towel
student smiling in red outfit
students playing
students in red running
students playing tug of war
students playing tug of war
students in green with trophy


two girls painting
two girls holding up paper
girl smiling with paper rocket
teacher and student with robot
dad and two girls in hallway
two girls smiling
student and teacher with robot
boy with astronaut helmet
mom and girl coloring
two students in astronaut outfits in front of a space backdrop
dad and boys talking to man
teacher and boy with drone controller
two boys smiling
teacher and girl with drone
teacher and kid with drone
two boys smiling at a table
student painting
boy building blocks
two boys smiling in coats
two boys holding up pieces of paper
teacher smiling with two students
two girls holding up pieces of paper
boy with an astronaut helmet
grandma, student and teacher at a table
boy in orange spacesuit
two girls smiling

First Grade Shadow Tracing

two boys coloring with chalk
two girls coloring with chalk
two students coloring with chalk on the sidewalk
boy bending over and coloring with chalk
girl coloring with chalk
girl laying down coloring with chalk
boy smiling with legs sprad out wide
student outside
boy coloring with chalk
student coloring with chalk
two boys being silly
two students coloring with chalk
two girls smiling
girl squatting and smiling
boy in blue shirt
boy coloring with chalk
girl and chalk drawing
girl and chalk drawing
student and chalk drawing
two girls coloring with chalk on the sidewalk
student and chalk drawings
boy coloring with chalk
two students and chalk drawings on sidewalk
girl smiling on the sidewalk
student outside
class of students outside

Quarter 2 Highlights

students with parachute
boy on slide
students with parachute
girl on slide
students on the playground
girl in pink jacket on the swings
two girls in pink jackets smiling outside
students on the playground
two girls on the swings
two boys on the slide
students on the playground
two girls outside smiling
three girls outside smiling
group of students in the library
group of students in the library
girls in art class
boy painting
students sitting at table with art supplies
students smiling with art supplies on the table
girl and hamburger sculpture
two girls painting
boy in art class
boy with robot in the library
girls smiling in the library
teacher and girl with robot
students smiling
boy with computer and robot
boy watching robot
teacher helping boy with robot
boy controlling robot
teacher helping boy with robot
students with parachute
students with parachute

Classroom Activities

boy sitting at table
girl writing and boy on computer
boy showing artwork
two boys smiling at desks
three students coloring
teacher at table with four students
boy in green shirt sitting at desk
boy in red shirt cutting paper
boy smiling with worksheet at desk
girl in pink shirt smiling
boy at desk with desk privacy wall
two students at desk cutting and coloring paper
girl smiling at desk
two students at desks smiling
students at desks smiling
girl reading with woody stuffed animal on shoulder
students in front of classroom with arm in the air
teacher in front of classroom teaching

100th Day of School

boy wearing a 100 hat eating lunch
two students dressed as 100 year olds in the cafeteria
students sitting at lunch table
two students in cafeteria in red and blue dresses
girl holding tray
students in the lunch line dressed as 100 year olds
four boys dressed as 100 year olds
girl smiling in pink glasses
two girls dressed as 100 year olds in the lunch line
group of students eating in the cafeteria
two kids eating lunch in cafeteria dressed as 100 year olds
group of students in cafeteria dressed as 100 year olds
girl with wrinkles in blue shirt
two girls smiling
boy in red and blue robe
boy in sweater vest and hat
boy in bowtie smiling
teacher and student smiling
two students dressed as 100 year olds
two boys dressed as 100 year olds
girl with hair curlers
group of boys dressed as 100 year olds
girl in nightgown and gray wig
girl with glasses in cafeteria